
放大字体  缩小字体 2014-07-20 2141
  • 品牌名称:意罗
  • 公司名称:上海意罗涂料有限公司
  • 官方主页http://www.yiluotl.com/
  • 所在地区

意大利意罗涂料在中国 今天,意大利意罗涂料股份有限公司,带着与欧洲同步的技术、产品、服务来到中国上海。中国建筑市场的高速发展与中国客户对品质日益成熟的追求,使我们确信这是一个崭新的开始。 客户的信赖和满意度是我们最大的财富,意大利意罗公司将在高品质产品与高质量服务的紧密结合上依靠自己的 力量不断创新发展,以确保我们在新的市场中依然可以获得强有力的新活力。不辜负客户对我们的信任,是我们自 始至终的愿望。 Italy ROMAN ART coatings in China Today, Italy Roman Art coating Limited by Share Ltd, with synchronized with the European technology, products, services to China Shanghai. In the The rapid development of the construction market and the increasingly sophisticated Chinese customers on the quality of the pursuit, convinced us that this is a new beginning. Customer trust and satisfaction is our greatest wealth, Italy Roman Art company will be high-quality products and high quality service closely Relying on its own strength based on continuous innovation and development, to ensure that we remain in the new markets can be powerful new vitality. Do not live up to the trust of our customers is our desire, from first to last. 意大利意罗涂料在中国 今天,意大利意罗涂料股份有限公司,带着与欧洲同步的技术、产品、服务来到中国上海。中国建筑市场的高速发展与中国客户对品质日益成熟的追求,使我们确信这是一个崭新的开始。 客户的信赖和满意度是我们最大的财富,意大利意罗公司将在高品质产品与高质量服务的紧密结合上依靠自己的 力量不断创新发展,以确保我们在新的市场中依然可以获得强有力的新活力。不辜负客户对我们的信任,是我们自 始至终的愿望。 Italy ROMAN ART coatings in China Today, Italy Roman Art coating Limited by Share Ltd, with synchronized with the European technology, products, services to China Shanghai. In the The rapid development of the construction market and the increasingly sophisticated Chinese customers on the quality of the pursuit, convinced us that this is a new beginning. Customer trust and satisfaction is our greatest wealth, Italy Roman Art company will be high-quality products and high quality service closely Relying on its own strength based on continuous innovation and development, to ensure that we remain in the new markets can be powerful new vitality. Do not live up to the trust of our customers is our desire, from first to last.
手 机:15921939111 
Q    Q:329971053 林经理   726384285 张经理
举报收藏 0


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